Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Movie Review)


The Star Wars movie fans always wanted.

The Last Jedi was everything I wanted it to be. It explored existing characters, new planets, and never before seen species. It contained everything that makes any Star Wars movie great. It may not have given us all the answers we wanted, but it did show us what happens when a star ship light-speeds through a Star Destroyer. The Last Jedi also provided insight into Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker’s stories. It touched on the topic of Rey’s parents and showed us that BB-8 can separate his head from his body.

Prior to the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, I heard many folks claiming that it would be very similar to The Empire Strikes Back. After watching it for myself I feel like it more closely resembles Return of the Jedi. There were plenty of call backs to both films, and any Star Wars fan will be able to recognize the many lines of borrowed dialogue. The Last Jedi felt more like Return of the Jedi due to the way the story was laid out. This is not to say that it was a copy of any Star Wars movie. The Last Jedi definitely had its own twists and turns.

Disney takes a risk with The Last Jedi.

Aside from well know characters being killed off and unforeseen alliances being formed, this movie caught me off guard. Star Wars: The Last Jedi was almost as comedic as recent Marvel films Thor: Ragnarok and Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Although Star Wars often has comedic relief, it usually comes in the form of a silly character like Wicket the Ewok or Jar Jar Binks. The Last Jedi took it a bit farther by having characters play practical jokes in the middle of epic space battles. The movie kicks off with one such scene where Poe Dameron pretends he cannot hear General Hux.

I’ve heard mixed opinions on whether the movie was too funny, but I personally loved it. I feel that movie franchises such as Star Wars should evolve over time. A film made in the year 2017 should look and feel like it was made in the year 2017. By allowing directors and screenwriters the opportunity to change Star Wars, Disney is opening the world of Star Wars to new possibilities. I cannot wait to see what Disney does next.

So who is The Last Jedi?

I honestly feel that titling the film “The Last Jedi” was a complete marketing scheme. Disney wanted people to come see the movie, and why wouldn’t they? Leading up to the release of The Last Jedi were many debates on whether “The Last Jedi” would be Rey or Luke. It turns out that it was neither of them all along. The movie itself states that Rey will not be “The Last Jedi”.

With that said, the topic of moving beyond ancient Jedi teachings was explored heavily. Yoda makes a surprise appearance in this film to once again teach Luke Skywalker that there is more to the Force than anyone knows. The Last Jedi features a glimpse into the origins of the Jedi, their teachings, and even some new takes on the Force itself.

The Last Jedi touches on Vegetarianism, Gender Equality, and Capitalism.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi felt like a fresh take on a beloved franchise. I don’t believe that Star Wars needed the changes it’s receiving, but I welcome them with open arms. Disney is modernizing Star Wars, while still maintaining its core foundations. Star Wars is all about seeing something new for the first time. It’s about stretching the imagination and believing in something bigger. These core ideals are still intact, and maybe more evident than ever.

There is one scene in the movie, toward the middle, where Kylo Ren and Rey turn back to back with each other. I won’t spoil why or where they are, but the moment it happens is the most epic moment in all of Star Wars. The scene that followed this moment was both unexpected and amazing.

I loved Star Wars: The Last Jedi and I cannot wait to see it again. There are so many great moments in the film. I really like the new characters and the people bringing them to life. The Last Jedi is definitely something to catch on the big screen, so get out there and watch it!

Starring: Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domnall Gleeson, Anthony Daniels, Frank Oz, and many more.

Rated: PG13

Runtime: 2hrs 32min

Release Date: December 15th, 2017

Side Note: The Last Jedi is the 8th film in the core Star Wars Franchise. (aka. Episode VIII)

HFR Rating: