Justice League (2017) – Movie Review


Justice I expected. 

This new Justice League film was going to be a minor hit or a big miss. I found it to be more entertaining than I expected, less action orientated than most DC films, and just well made overall. The movie starts out with the news that Superman has died. We are shown clips of Wonder Woman, Flash, Aqua Man, Cyborg, and of course Batman. The movie moves along rather quickly and shows us the main villain Steppenwolf early on. Steppenwolf is the kind of bad guy you would expect in a Wonder Woman or Green Lantern film. He has super natural powers, a gigantic ego, and an unexplained desire to destroy earth.

There isn’t much to spoil about this movie. Besides one minor plot twist in the beginning, the movie is rather straight forward. Batman assembles a team of super heroes, names them the Justice League, and then proceeds to take on Steppenwolf.

A League of its own.

I think that these super heroes are better together. I consider most of the DC films to be solid theater experiences and good date night rentals. This one comes close to being a good movie purchase. I liked Justice League and would definitely watch it again. If you are in the mood for a super hero action adventure, then be sure to pick this one up.

Director: Zach Snyder

Starring: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, Jason Mamoa, Ray Fisher, Jeremy Irons

Rated: PG13

Runtime: 2 hrs

HFR Rating: