Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back (2019 Review)


Remaking one of the best Pokemon Movies

This 2019 remake of the original Mewtwo Strikes Back features a very different animation style. The original story however, remains almost completely intact. There are almost no noticeable changes to the characters, dialogue or story-arc of the film as a whole. With that said, the original Mewtwo Strikes Back was one of the better Pokemon movies, and so it stands to say that this remake of the film is one of the better Pokemon movies as well.

The movie begins with a team of researches exploring the jungles of “South America”. In their search for the ancient and mythical Pokemon Mew, they discover a fossil, which leads them to create Mewtwo. Mewtwo is not inherintely happy with himself, as he is not sure what his purpose is. He breaks out of the lab and long story short, tries to take revenge on mankind for the mistreatment of Pokemon (mainly himself).

Ash, Misty and Brock are back on an adventure!

Ash, Misty and Brock receive an invitation to battle against the “worlds greatest Pokemon trainer”. They travel with the rest of the invitees to a mysterious island, where they learn that Mewtwo has lured them into a trap. Mewtwo battles them, steals their Pokemon and then forces them to fight cloned versions (of their Pokemon). The mythical Mew shows up just in time to stop Mewtwo, and in the end everyone lives happily ever after.

Mewtwo Strikes Back was a fun watch!

I had fun watching Mewtwo Strikes Back with my two sons. They seemed to really enjoy the movie, and I always love sharing my love of things like Pokemon and Star Wars with them. It’s cool that Netflix has this movie available to watch for free (with a Netflix subscription). I own the original film and would probably choose to watch it over this one, but I think that kids these days would prefer the newer animation style that this version presents. Either way, the movie is kid-friendly or kid-safe for almost any age. It has a few intense moments, but nothing different from any other animation Pokemon adventure.

Runtime: 1hr 38min

Available to watch on Netflix.

Rated: TV-Y7

Release Date: Feb. 27, 2020