Snake Eyes (2021)


The origin of Snake Eyes

Snake Eyes is a spin-off film from the recent GI Joe movie series. It tells the origins of Snake Eyes, and takes the audience on a tour of Snake Eyes’ childhood and young adult years.

The movie had lots of sword fighting. It was also a complete re-write of Snake Eyes’ origin, as seen in the prior two GI Joe movies. They decided to scratch his original story completely, and go with something new. I personally found this to be surprising, and a little confusing, but it allowed for them to start fresh.


My thoughts on Snake Eyes

I may have dozed off toward the end of Snake Eyes for a few minutes, which probably tells you more than you need to know about my opinions of the film. It’s safe to say that I found it to be a little bland and predictable. Aside from the cool action scenes, the movie did not do much for me.

The acting seemed pretty solid, and I can appreciate all the hard work that goes into making films like Snake Eyes. With that said, I would rate this film the same as I rated the first two GI Joe movies. I don’t think I’ll ever watch it again, and I can’t recommend watching it unless you liked the first two GI Joe movies.

Starring: Henry Golding (Snake Eyes), Andrew Koji (Tommy), Haruka Abe (Akiko)

Runtime: 2 hours and 1 minute

Rated: PG-13

Release Date: July 23rd, 2021

HFR Rating: 6 out of 10