Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (Multiplayer Beta)


Summary & Thoughts:

As a gamer who owns half of the COD franchise, I thought I knew what to expect. I expected a customizedĀ load-out, some new maps, and some re-skinned guns. But as I sat down to try it out, Black Ops 3 blew my mind. It wasn’t just the exploding arrows that literally blew me to pieces. I was thoroughly impressed by the advances made since the last Black Ops game.

You can run on walls like in Titanfall, and you can double jump like in Destiny. You can even swim now! There was one level where I jumped into a hotel fountain, and swam through some underwater tunnels. After getting a few sweet underwater kills, I proceeded to come out right next to a waterfall. The whole level felt like a special ops movie. If I ever found myself falling, I could just double jump to the nearest wall and run along it.

The guns are what I expected, but now you can choose a class type which unlocks special weapons in game. You can fire exploding arrows, lightning guns, and more. I thought this was a nice touch, because it adds some flavor to load-out choices. Besides the fact that this game made me feel like I have slow reflexes, I really can’t find anything bad to say. Being 25 now, I had to resort to grenades for half my kills, because those young whipper snappers have such fast reaction times.

I skipped out on COD: Ghosts and COD: Advanced Warfare, because I hadn’t seen many changes over the course of 3 games. I did not think that this game would make my Fall wish list this year, but it might now. I really enjoyed the Multiplayer Beta, and would recommend trying it out for free if you haven’t already.

Release Date: November 6, 2015

Rated: M

FPrice: $59.99

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HFR Rating:

cup 10


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