League of Legends: Guide to Bronze


One of the most commonly asked questions in the League of Legends community is how to get out of bronze. There is no easy answer, because there are multiple things a player needs to learn. People will tell you to learn to carry your team, to suck less at the game, and to farm hard, but all of these ideas are bad advice. The truth is that if you practice the right things enough you will get out of bronze. It’s not an overwhelmingly hard thing to do, but it does require learning the basics of the game.

The Basics of Bronze:

Bronze is for learning the basics of the meta game. I will start off by stating that the basics are not moving, clicking, and shopping. The basics are using the map, last hitting minions, landing and avoiding skill shots, understanding basic counters, and realizing game mechanics. You have to learn how minions work, how turrets work, and why they do what they do. The more games you play, the more you’ll start to learn. Listening to podcasts, reading articles, and experimenting will help one learn the basics faster. Playing hundreds of games in bronze, is not a bad thing. It may take you that many games to learn the basics, or you may pick them up faster.

The Blame Game:

One of the biggest mistakes I see, is people blaming their team. Thinking that you get placed with bad teammates, is the same as thinking that you are better than everyone. Being an elo snob won’t get you anywhere. First realize that you are where most players start their journey, and you are there for a reason. Secondly realize that the same “bad” players are on both teams. Thirdly realize that you have many things to learn still. If you do these three things, you will be able to approach each game with a better attitude, and make your way towards victory!

Beyond the Basics: 

Once you know that basics, you should be on your way out of bronze. Learning when to farm, how to manipulate the farm, and how to last hit perfectly is all considered going beyond the basics. Learning how to dive a turret, and swap/dump aggro, can take some time to master. Learning how to roam the map, and gank lanes is extremely important.  Team fighting properly can win games that at first seem lost. But watching your map, and learning to use vision properly may be the most important skills. These are some of the skills that make up high elo players. A new player, or one in bronze, will not be able to master these. Instead, once you have the basics, you should start to work on one advanced skill at a time. I do not advise practicing in bot matches, because this creates bad habits, and unrealistic expectations. Always practice in normals, and perfect in ranked.

Keeping it Half Full: 

The best piece of advise I can give anyone, is to keep it Half Full. I have an article on this site specifically about staying positive. Be kind to other players, especially your team. Congratulate them, encourage them, and forgive their mistakes. Work together with your teammates, and you can overcome impossible odds.

Optional Strategies:

 There are many ways to get out of bronze. You just have to find the right one for you. Your thing may be farming, pushing, and rotating. Your win condition may be to roam, and pick up kills. Or it may just be to encourage, and support other good players on your team. Find a couple positions and champions, and practice them. If you play them enough, you will get better, and you will see improvement in your rank.

Win the Battle:

Whatever you decide is your thing, work hard at it. Don’t try to master everything at once. Every game, and every team comp is different. You have to dissect each game in your head, and figure out the win condition. You have to know when to win early, and when to stall a game. You need to learn when to farm, and when to roam for kills. Each game is it’s own battle.

In Closing:

Don’t get discouraged. If you are losing, then maybe take a break and reassess. Try not to rage, and just do your best.  League is just a game after all, so try to have fun. For more tips, tricks, and fun articles, check the League of Legends page on HalfFullReviews.com.




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