Ant-Man and the Wasp (Movie Review)


You really cANT miss this movie!

Ant-Man and the Wasp is the sequel to Disney’s 2015 Ant-Man film. Scott Lang has been under house arrest for 2 years since helping Captain America in the Civil War movie. Scott has since re-connected with his daughter and forged a great family relationship with his ex-wife and her husband. Everyone is finally getting along and life is looking good for Scott Lang (aka. Ant-Man).

BEE certain that Ant-Man is back with more comedy and action than before.

Okay, so a bee and a wasp are not the same thing, but you try coming up with a good wasp pun. This new Ant-Man movie was a fun time. This time around Scott isn’t the only one with a gadget filled shrinking suit. His “it’s complicated” girlfriend Hope is also sporting an insect themed super hero suit.

Together Ant-Man and the Wasp team up to stop a mysterious new villain called “Ghost”. All the while Hope’s father Hank Pym is trying to save his long lost wife from being sub-atomic. Did I mention that Scott is suppose to be under house arrest while doing all this?

Overall, Ant-Man and the Wasp is a great movie.

My brother Zeke and I were really looking forward to seeing this movie. We both enjoyed the first Ant-man, and we were both pleased with this second installment into the series. I recommend catching this movie in theaters or adding it to your home collection of Marvel Movies.

HFR Rating: