Ark: The Animated Series (Season 1)

read our review of ark the animated series on paramount plus

Our Review of Ark: The Animated Series

The long awaited Ark TV show finally came to Paramount+ on March 21st, 2024. It wasn’t exactly what myself or fans expected, but it was good enough. Read on to see my full thoughts and review of Ark: The Animated Series

Is Ark: The Animated Series safe for all ages?

Oh my gosh NO! Do not let your kids watch this show. It is extremely violent and filled with adult themes and situations.

From spears and arrows bursting through human flesh to dinosaurs biting people in half, Ark: The Animated Series is an extremely graphically violent show. Let’s not even get into the details of how the show addresses depression and suicide.

ark animated series action scene with dinosaurs fighting

Is Ark: The Animated Series woke enough?

I won’t get too deep into morals and politics, but it has to be said. Why? Because I want to give them a hard time about it haha.

The animated comedy “Southpark” did an episode on Disney recently where they said “put a chick in it and make her lame and gay”. This quickly became a meme around the internet when describing movies, tv, and commercials that come off as “woke”.

Now I know that Disney did NOT make Ark: The Animated Series, but the point still stands.

While I wouldn’t call Helena Walker lame, she is indeed a “gay chick” and so many fans around the internet are calling Ark: The Animated Series woke.

Early episodes show Helena with her wife, and later episode even have Helena kissing a new love interest.

helena and her dinosaur scary

Did I enjoy Ark: The Animated Series?

At this point you might be thinking “how could you enjoy it”, but I found a way. Much like life finds a way in Jurassic Park, I found a way to enjoy Ark: The Animated Series.

The TV Show is loosely based off the video game series, and I am an ARK super fan. I beat Ark: Survival Evolved all the way through and even made an Ark YouTube series about it.

“It was going to be hard to dissapoint me, but they managed to do it!”

There was a lot of focus on Helena’s past and on the violent tribes that dwelled on the island. I would have preferred a less violent story filled with more lore.

I would have liked to see more survival elements and more dinosaurs. Building a base, taming dinosaurs, and gathering resources is at the core of Ark. The show didn’t really feel like the video game, aside from a few “easter eggs” here and there.

I hope that Season 2 gets more into the story and lore of Ark: Survival Evolved / Ark: Survival Ascended. Until then, watch at your own risk.