Black Panther (2018) – Movie Review

Marvel Studios' BLACK PANTHER T'Challa/Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) Credit: Matt Kennedy/©Marvel Studios 2018

One of the best Marvel films to date.

Black Panther may be my new favorite Marvel film. I have yet to hear from someone who didn’t enjoy this movie. Coming in at 2 hours and 14 minutes, it’s definitely a long one. Black Panther gives us the whole back story and origin of this slick suited super hero.

The Black Panther, also known as T’Challa, is the new King of Wakanda. He is tasked with leading and protecting his people, and with this duty comes super human powers. Aside from internal tribal fighting and typical super hero problems, T’Challa finds himself faced with a new problem. As the outside world grows more advanced, the secrets of Wakanda are becoming harder to keep. T’Challa must decide the best route in which to protect his technologically advanced civilization.

“It’s hard for a good man to be king.”

The moral lessons weaved into this story align with real world problems. Doing the right thing is often the harder choice. Black Panther teaches the value of compassion, the need for forgiveness, and that goodness always prevails. I really liked this movie and the moral lessons that it portrayed. I would almost call it a ‘feel good’ marvel film.

Chadwick Boseman gave an epic performance as the Black Panther. He was the perfect pick for the part. I also enjoyed a lot of the other character performances in general. Disney did a good job casting this film. There are no sequels scheduled for the Black Panther, but the full cast is said to be appearing in Avengers: Infinity War on May 8th, 2018.

Director: Ryan Coogler

Starring: Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong’o, Danai Gurira, Martin Freeman

Runtime: 2hr 14min

Rated:  PG13

HFR Rating: