Disney Parks Christmas Train Set 2017 – Review


The Holiday Express is coming to town!

Disney’s newest train set is available for purchase online and at the parks. It’s a 30 piece plastic train set with a remote control. The train engine is battery operated with four C batteries. The rest of the train is pulled along the plastic track, and there are no plugs, cords, or other electric parts to the set.

For the low low price of $129.99 this beautiful train set can be yours!

Luckily for pass holders there is a 20% discount. After having about a week with this train I think it is a bit overpriced, but still a worthwhile purchase. The entire train set is completely plastic, but seems to hold up well so far. A couple pieces have been dropped and stepped on by my children, but there are no broken pieces so far. The train only has 1 speed, which is full speed ahead! I do wish that it had a slower setting, so that I could enjoy it more as it passes by the front of the Christmas tree.

It blares Holiday music all through the house.

The train set is operated by a remote control which has forward, stop, and reverse buttons. It also has a green button to make train noises and play Christmas music. The music is just instrumental and it sounds like it’s coming from a plastic train, but it’s cute none the less. The train itself is quite loud. It rushes along the track making all kinds of sounds and only has 1 volume. The music and train sounds are on an endless loop that always play in the same order. There is no pause button, so if you stop the music you are forced blessed to start all over again at the beginning.

I was a bit disappointed with the plastic lamp posts. I guess I expected them to light up, or at least fasten themselves to the train track. They are in fact just plastic stand alone pieces.

A very Merry Mickey Mouse Christmas! 

The best part about this train is the ice skating car. It features Mickey, Minnie, Daisy, and Donald. As the train chugs along, Minnie skates in a circle between the other characters. There is also a train car (the caboose) with other Disney characters bobbing up and down.

Overall I really like this train. I wish it were priced a bit lower, but it’s an official Disney product. My whole family likes the train and I would purchase another Disney train in the future.

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