Emma. (2020) – Movie Review


Emma is an instant classic.

The movie Emma is a retelling of the classic Jane Austen book. The story follows a young woman named Emma Woodhouse, as she navigates her way through romantic missteps and the challenges of growing up. Played by Anya Taylor-Joy, Emma is portrayed as a beautiful, smart and wealthy English woman.

Very spoiled and wanting for nothing, it becomes apparent that Emma is blissfully unaware of the people around her. As she attempts to match-make other couples, she simultaneously denies the fact that she is herself looking for love. Her neighbor and child-hood “friend” George Knightley shows up throughout the movie, and challenges Emma to be a better person.

The original novel of Emma was published in December 1815. As in many of her novels, Jane Austen explores the concerns and difficulties of genteel women living in Georgian–Regency England. The story addresses the topics of marriage, gender, age, and social status.

This latest Emma movie is both well made and entertaining. As a huge fan of romantic stories, both written and visual, my wife found the movie to be fantastic. I enjoyed the movie myself, and would even watch it again from time to time. I recommend giving it a watch, and even purchasing it, if you find it to be your sort of film.

Rated: PG

Runtime: 2hr 5 min

Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama

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