God’s Not Dead (2014)


Summary & Thoughts:

I did not get a chance to see God’s Not Dead in theater, but it recently became available on Netflix, and Amazon Prime. I had been looking forward to seeing this movie, because friends had told me good things.

The film follows a Christian college student named Josh. Josh finds himself taking a philosophy class taught by a “God hating” professor. On the first day of class, the Professor explains that any students who write down that “God is Dead”, and sign it, will automatically pass and skip the first portion of the class. This presents Josh with a dilemma. He must choose between standing up for his beliefs, and following the crowd. As the story unfolds, He soon realizes that standing up for God, may cost him his grade, his girlfriend, and possibly his future as a lawyer.

I found this movie to be inspirational and heartwarming. It was enjoyable to watch and portrayed a morally good message, safe for the whole family. I found the acting to be convincing, and the overall story to be well written. Duck Dynasty’s “Willy”, and the music group “Newsboys” both make appearances throughout the movie. I recently saw that the movie producers will be making a second unrelated film, and look forward to catching it. I found God’s Not Dead to be worth watching and owning.

Starring:  Shane Harper, Kevin Sorbo, David A.R. White.

Rating: PG

Runtime: 113min




HFR Rating:



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