Halo: TV Series Season 1 Review

Master Chief in the new Halo TV show on paramount plus

Halo is now streaming on Paramount+

The long-awaited Halo series is being released weekly; one episode at a time. This article will give a review of each episode in the series, and provide overall thoughts on Halo: Season 1 as a whole.

Pablo Schreiber takes on the role of Master Chief and does a great job with it. The cinematography in Halo is awesome and the story is very unique. It does not follow the video games, but instead tries something totally new. Luckily this new story is great on its own.

Although Master Chief’s armor might remind you of The Mandalorian, he quickly distinguishes the role as something different by removing his helmet frequently. This definitely provides the audience with more connection to John (the man inside the suit), and makes it easier to see the conflict within him. The first couple episodes dive into his past, and shed light on his unfeeling and weapon-like personality.

Halo Episode 1: Contact

The year is 2552 and an alien race known as the Covenant are wreaking havoc upon the galaxy. Episode 1 opens on the planet Madrigal where a town of humans are being slaughtered by the Covenant. Master Chief and his team of fellow Spartans show up a little late to the party, but make quick work of the enemy aliens.

The only survivor is a girl named Kwan. Master Chief investigates the nearby Covenant landing site. There he accidently comes into contact with an ancient artifact that gives him visions. Master Chief plans to return home with Kwan and the artifact, but while in route he is ordered to kill the girl. Normally he would not question orders, but the artifact seems to have messed with his head. The episode closes with Master Chief and Kwan narrowly escaping together.

Episode 2: Unbound

Halo Episode 2 shows us a glimpse into John’s (aka. Master Chief’s) past. During the rigorous Spartan training program his friend Soren tries to convince him to run away. Master Chief does not go with Soren, but does allow him to escape solo.

Jumping to the present, Master Chief now brings Kwan to meet Soren on a free planet not controlled by the UNSC (United Nations Space Command). While there he learns more about the strange artifact, and even a little about himself. He begins to understand that the UNSC has been suppressing his emotions, and using him as a weapon to defend mankind against the Covenant.

Despite knowing the truth, Master Chief feels a duty to protect mankind. He leaves Kwan with Soren, and returns to UNSC headquarters with the artifact.

Episode 3: Emergence

John meets his new partner Cortana, an artificial intelligence attached to his brain by Dr. Halsey. Kwan wants to return to Madrigal and continue her people’s fight for independence, but Soren has other plans. Master Chief (John) removes his emotional regulator in hopes of remembering more.

The first few minutes of Halo episode 3 show us Makee’s childhood. It turns out that Makee was rescued by them the Covenant as a child, and not kidnapped as we previously assumed.

Episode 4: Homecoming

Master Chief (John) takes Dr. Halsey and Cortana with him to his childhood home on a different planet. While there, and with the help of Cortana, he remembers more than ever before which leads him to start doubting Dr. Halsey’s intentions.

Miranda, Dr. Halsey’s daughter, discovers a link between the artifact that John original recovered and something bigger. Kai (another Spartan) is inspired by Master Chief to remove her own emotional regulator.

Episode 5: Reckoning

Soren and Kwan find themselves on the run after returning to Kwan’s home world. Master Chief remembers the truth about his past, specifically how he came to be with Dr. Halsey.

The Spartans and Dr. Halsey find themselves surrounded by the Covenant on the planet Eridanus-2. John (Master Chief) notices that Kai is not herself, since removing her emotional regulator. Despite being told to “sit this one out”, Kai proceeds to get injured in the most epic battle scene so far this season. We get to see multiple Spartans and UNSC marines in action battling the Covenant.

Episode 6: Solace

Halo Episode 6 follows up the prior episodes action with some intense drama, and manages to keep our eyes glued to the screen.

John continues to explore his memories; all the while interrogating “prisoner of war” Makee. She says the Covenant took the relic from Eridanus-2 to a star system Aspero, but the unease between John and Makee is palpable, which only gets stronger as Makee insists that the two of them are called “Blessed Ones” by the Covenant. “Blessed Ones” are humans who can connect with the relics.

After being placed under house arrest, Dr. Halsey manipulates her daughter Miranda into accidently helping her. Master Chief leaves Cortana behind, and Cortana hacks her way into Dr. Halsey’s computer.

Miranda discovers that John’s and Makee’s DNA structure is very similar. Master Chief decides to hold the relic again, this time letting it consume him completely. Makee and John share a vision during this moment, which shows them both standing on the epic Halo ring. The Halo ring is a giant weapon, and seems to be where the series will have its finale.

Halo Episode 7: Inheritance

Episode 7 of Halo is set to premiere on May 5th, 2022. Check back soon to read our summary and thoughts of the episode.