Knights of the Fallen Empire (SWTOR)


Summary & Thoughts: 

On October 27th, Star Wars the Old Republic released it’s latest expansion. It is by far the best content so far! With excellent story telling, and awesome cut scenes, this expansion makes the player feel like they’re in a Star Wars movie.  SWTOR also introduced new abilities, new companions, and an overall game overhaul. The 4.0 patch and expansion has brought the game to a whole new level.

(Spoilers Ahead)

As a returning player, I have beaten all of the previous content. I have played every expansion, and done everything from class stories, to leading a 300 player social guild. This expansion blew my socks off. The Republic and Empire are once again working together to thwart the evil Emperor.  As you travel to wild space aboard an Imperial vessel, you get attacked and boarded. You then get to meet the Emperor in a very Return of the Jedi like fashion. After being knocked unconscious and frozen in carbonite, you wake up 5 years into the future. The whole galaxy has been conquered, and your companions have gone into hiding. As you play through 9 chapters of exciting and unique story, you start to unravel the mysteries of what has happened to the galaxy. You are the galaxies last hope, and you must build an Alliance of rebels to fight the Emperor and his Eternal Empire!

(Spoliers Over)

I enjoyed all 9 chapter of KOTFE, and would recommend it to veteran and new players alike. Upon subscribing to SWTOR players are granted the expansion, and a free level 60 to start playing right away. I thought this was a great touch, because it really encourages new players to join. Many changes have been made to SWTOR, and if you havn’t logged in to try them, I suggest you do. You can download and play for free at

Release Date: 10/27/15

Rated: T

Price: Free with Subscription


HFR Rating:



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