Kong: Skull Island (Movie Review)


To boldly go where no man has gone before…

As a band of scientists, journalists, and military troops set out to explore the unknown they have no idea what to expect. They make their way to a mysterious island in the middle of the ocean only to find out that it’s guarded by an all encompassing storm. They of course do not turn back, but instead decide that flying through the lightning storm sounds like a good plan. I’m not going to spoil anything, but the title of the film makes us all well aware what awaits them on the mysterious island.

The Biggest King Kong Ever.

The size of King Kong was immediately shocking. The Kong featured in this film looks like he could take on Godzilla. He swats helicopters right from the sky with a flick of the wrist. It took some getting use to, but by the end of the film I was all for the super sized King Kong.

I enjoyed this movie quite a bit. I think I’ll call it my favorite Kong ever. Samuel Jackson definitely makes any movie better, and he had a significant role in this one. I liked the story arc between the American and Japanese soldier. It was a nice twist and addition to the otherwise straight forward adventure film.

The best part of this movie though wasn’t King Kong. It was everything else that ended up being on the island. With no spoilers being shared, there were some awesome fight sequences between Kong and other “things”.

This Kong is totally bananas.  

There was almost nothing believable in this film. Unlike other King Kong movies this one really just threw all semblance of reality out the window. At about 10 minutes in you can realize that this movie is about as realistic as a Marvel or DC film. The mysterious island actually bears some resemblance to the island of Themyscira from Wonder Woman. With that said, I certainly didn’t go into this movie expected realism. Any film with a giant monkey on the front is going to need some imagination.

Overall I thought this movie was great. I enjoyed it as a home rental. I’m not sure I would ever buy it, but I would watch it again with a friend.

Starring: Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L Jackson, Brie Larson

Rating: PG13

Runtime: 118min


HFR Rating: