Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes


As I booted up Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes for the first time, I did not realize that it serves as the prologue for the Phantom Pain game coming out later this year. So one would imagine my surprise at only a 3 hour long campaign. I thought it was a very short game, and it gave me some very shocking story segments right after the initial mission. With that said though, Ground Zeroes is freaking awesome.

I have not touched the franchise since its original release back in 1998. It has come a long way. You play as Snake, a covert ops specialist. You get to undertake a variety of stealth style missions. From rescuing children, to assassinating ex-marines, you get to feel like a bad ass special forces member. I was particularly impressed with the depth of game play. You have to tag and track targets, call in for mission information, and hide bodies from the AI.  You even have to secure landing zones, and call in a chopper manually when you want to be evacuated.

The ability to run and gun through some missions is available, but your end score will be penalized. The main goal is to get in and out quietly while completing whatever your mission objective is. You are equipped with binoculars, a stun gun, a rifle, and whatever else you can find. You can knock guards unconscious or interrogate them for information. You can put people to sleep, or shoot them up. You can even drive vehicles.

I really enjoyed Ground Zeroes, and have already recommended it to a couple friends. It is important to note that this game is extremely graphic, and not for anyone with a weak stomach. You will see blood, guts, violence, and torture. I was pleasantly surprised by how far the MGS franchise has come, and am definitely looking forward to Phantom Pain this Fall.

Release Date: March 18, 2014

Rated: M

Price: $19.99


mgs4.1 mgs5.2 mgs5.3



HFR Rating:

cup 8


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