Onward – Movie Review


Onward was hilarious and heart-warming.

This movie has instantly become one of my favorite Disney animated films. It is a story of two brothers who go on an adventure to bring their father back to life for a 1 day visit. I know that this already sounds like a sad story, but the movie is actually very funny. It is a very imaginative tale, set in a fantasy world of elves and magic.

The adventure begins when they two brothers (Ian and Barley) attempt to activate a magical spell left behind by their father. Things do not work out as planned though, and they only manage to bring back half of him. They then set out to find another magical stone so that they can finish the spell.

Onward is an epic adventure!

Throughout the movie the two brothers (Ian and Barley) learn more about themselves, and begin to realize that they have always had each other. They bring their father along for the ride and go on an epic quest that takes them far from home. Meanwhile their worried mother goes on her own adventure to find them. Onward has a lot of funny and lovable characters. It ended up coming straight to home video and be watched now on Amazon or Disney Plus.

Spoiler Alert: Do not read this next part if you do not want the ending spoiled. The brothers end up bringing their father back to life, but only for a few minutes. Only the older brother Barley is able to speak with his father before he disappears again. Ian battles a huge dragon to let his brother finish the spell, and then realizes that his brother was his father figure throughout his childhood.

I loved Onward and have already watched it several times. My entire family (wife and sons) also enjoyed the film, and I feel safe recommending it to anyone.

Runtime: 1hr 42min

Starring: Tom Holland & Chris Pratt

Rated: PG

HFR Rating: