Paragon (Early Access Review)



Paragon is a new 3D MOBA from Epic Games. It is 5v5 action on a 3 lane map, played in the 3rd person. The objectives are similar to most MOBA’s. Each lane has towers, inhibitors, and minions. You win buy destroying the enemy teams base, or in this case a core. So what makes this MOBA different?

The Graphics

This is by far the best looking MOBA out there. The setting is SciFi Fantasy. Shot in 3D 3rd person action, this game is stunning. The characters look fantastic, detailed, and clear. The abilities look unique, colorful, and spectacular. The map is a wonder all on its own. The three lanes are surrounded by jungle on all sides. The lanes have upper and lower sections, and the jungle is made of hills. The twists and turns make it hard to keep up as you sprint through them, trying to chase that kill. The jungle detail is intense. There are loads of shrubbery and branches to block your vision, and yet with all of its hugeness, it remains easy to navigate. There really is something to be said about the beauty of a 3D map. You can shoot from above, or hide in the shadows. Line of sight plays a big part in this game.

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Now you may be wondering how you can navigate 3D terrain. You can sprint, you can jump, and some characters can even fly. The W A S and D keys allow you to move about. You use your mouse for the camera and basic attacks, and you have the standard q e and r keys for your abilities. Instead of one basic attack though, your mouse has two. This was a cool twist, and it works really well. You can of course change all of your key bindings.

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Gameplay: XP, Items, & More

I’ve covered a bit of this in the last two paragraphs, but I’ll try to go a bit more in depth. As you start the game you choose your lane, and rush to meet your opponents. You have a few minutes to get your bearing as the minions start to march down the lanes.  You then proceed to battle is out, farming minions, gaining XP, and upgrading yourself. When you get low health, you either die or back to base. You purchase cards instead of combat items. These cards fit into item slots and can be upgraded over time. The stats are similar to any MOBA.

The item shop also allows you to purchase wards(vision trinkets), potions(for health and mana), and harvesting tools for gaining resources from the wells(don’t ask). The items are a bit sparse, and the shop could use some work, but it’s only Alpha testing.

The minions are broken up into melee and ranged. They also become super when you break an inhibitor. The towers shoot lasers that hurt. The base can be easily over run by cracking all 3 inhibitors. The jungle has a variety of creatures(all named Alpha), and also features a red and blue buff.

The movement of the game feels great. It is smooth and polished. Casting spells feels like a mix between a MOBA and a MMO. Basic attacking is done by clicking, but is self aimed. They do not automatically hit their target. You actually have to aim your autos and skills.

There are currently 14 characters to choose from. There are supports, tanks, AD and AP carries. They all feel unique to each other, and they all play rather differently. I found a number of characters that I enjoyed right off the bat.

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So it has to stand out. Why play a MOBA that is the same as every other MOBA? This one definetly stands out. The SciFi theme, coupled with the awesome graphics really set it apart. You may notice some similarities in the characters when compared to other MOBA’s, but they do have some uniqueness to them. They look cool, they sound cool, and they play cool.

One cool feature not found in other MOBA’s is resource gathering. Players can place harvesters at wells around the map. You can farm your own resources, or hunt down enemy harvesters and destroy them.

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This game is great. Playing it makes it hard to believe that it’s still in Alpha. If you like MOBA’s, or have never tried one, I recommend giving this one a try. Paragon is hosting a free open beta this summer. If you want to get started now though, there are three founders packs to choose from. They give you immediate access, all 14 characters, a rep boost, and a few skins. Here is a link to the page with more details -> Founders

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I thought this game would be good, and it truly is. If you have any questions about the game, feel free to drop me a line in the comments. You can also catch some footage of me playing on our Youtube channel, or watch me live on Twitch. Stay tuned for our full review post launch!

Alpha Release Date: March 18th, 2016

Price: $19.99, $59.99, or $99.99

Rated: RP

HFR Pre-Release Rating:



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