Pokemon Sun & Moon


Catch ’em all in Alola!

The newest and most advanced set of Pokemon games have arrived. Set in the all new Alola region, adventurers once again set forth to catch ’em all! This new installment in the world of Pokemon is built in a brand new game engine. This game is a fully functioning 3D RPG, and even has some MMO elements.

A brand new adventure with all new features.

Pokemon Ride Pager: Replacing HM’s forever. We now get the ability to ride on Pokemon!

Poke Pelago: A magical world where your Pokemon can live when stored in your PC box. At Poke Pelago, Pokemon can run free, hunt for treasure, level up, and manage your berry farm.

Festival Plaza: This is where online interaction takes place. Players can trade, battle, and partake in all new global missions. Players can also construct a number of cool buildings and play mini games.

SOS or Call for Help: Perhaps the most annoying feature, wild Pokemon can now call for help. This feature replaces horde battling and can be manipulated to get better stats on wild Pokemon, as well as help EV train ones already obtained.

Bottle Caps: These little suckers can modify IV’s (base or starting stats).  Bottle caps can be obtained through events, fishing, and the Festival Plaza.

Alolan Forms: Some Gen 1 Pokemon have been remade specifically for the Alolan region.

Z-Moves: All new super powerful abilities!

Say goodbye to traditional Pokemon Gyms.

These aren’t the only new things in Pokemon Sun & Moon. Gyms have been replaced by Island Challenges. Players will find themselves warmly greeted in Alola by several fresh and memorable characters. After picking their starter Pokemon players are introduced to Island Challenges. There are 7 in total, and each one unique. Along the way players are encouraged to partake in several side stories and missions. Unlike previous games there is now a map waypoint to show players the main objectives. This definitely made for an easier time but took away from some of the need to explore. With that said some Pokemon now only spawn in very specific areas.  So along with there being less reason to explore, there is now more reason to explore.

One big thing I noticed were the changes to AI. NPC trainers now have stronger and faster Pokemon. Some of these trainers even use competitive strategies like setting up spikes and roaring opponents away. The game is far from difficult, but it definitely had some challenging parts. Don’t tell anyone, but I even lost to the Elite 4 on my first try.

The best part about this game and the thing that really sets it apart is the story. For the first time ever we get a REAL story. Memorable characters, funny dialogue, and creative lore all combine to present players with the most immersive story to ever be found in a Pokemon game. The difference can be seen from the first few minutes of game play, and only grows with each hour spent in the beautiful Alola region.

I highly recommend this game to anyone willing to pick up a 3DS. I would even go as far to say that it’s worth purchasing a 3DS if you don’t have one. If you want to look me up in game, just add my friend code: 0791-5180-3614. I am always game for a battle or trade. Good luck in Alola, and TRAIN ON!

Release Date: November 18th, 2016

Rated: E

Price: $39.99

HFR Rating: