Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon – Review


Pokemon Ultra Moon, I Choose You!

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon were released worldwide on November 17th, 2017. They are considered a third and fourth version to last years Sun and Moon games. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, or USUM for short, have a bunch of new catchable pokemon from previous generations added in. These games also contain hundreds of added side quests, alternate form legendary pokemon, and even some new story arcs. I consider Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon to be more completed versions of Sun and Moon. They feel more polished, have more to do, and play more smoothly all around.

The Ultra Recon Squad has come to Alola.

One of the first things you’ll notice while playing Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is the Ultra Recon Squad. They have been added to the game and make appearances throughout the entire story. I found them to be entertaining. You can tell that they have been added to an already existing story, but I liked the fresh feel they brought.

Mantine Surfing and Side Quests a plenty.

Mantine surfing is a new way to travel between islands. Players can ride a mantine and surf around performing tricks. Surfing requires you to stay on a designated path and maintain a minimum speed, but you are allowed to ride up and down the waves while doing flips. I did not care very much for this addition, but I like that it exists. I also appreciate it as an alternative way to earn BP (Battle Points). Battle Points can be used to purchase in game items, TM’s, and other useful things. Battle Points come in handy when breeding and training for competitive play.

The absolute best thing added in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are the side quests! There are literally hundreds of new side quests that grant varying rewards. My favorite side quest revolved around finding Ditto’s. Upon arriving at a police station the player is asked to investigate a police officer who has been acting strange. The officer turns out to be a Ditto in disguise, and you are then asked to search other cities for disguised Ditto’s. I recommend catching these Ditto’s, because they have really good IV’s, which will come in handy for breeding later on.

Playing in Pikachu Valley!

Pikachu Valley was an awesome surprise. Pikachu Valley is a new area added to the game and it can be found on the second island. A special Pikachu wearing Ash’s hat can be obtained by scanning a QR code, and then speaking with the man standing beside the trailer. The new Pikachu event and area were inspired by the recently released Pokemon The Movie: I Choose You.

If you bring this Ash Hat Pikachu to the female Pikachu standing across the way, she will give you a special Z crystal to use the move 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt. If that wasn’t enough, all of the Pikachu in the valley can be interacted with. Did I forget to mention that there are hundreds of Pokemon in the game that can now be interacted with?

The addition of Pokemon scattered around the world makes the game feel more alive. There doesn’t seem to be any reason to interact with these Pokemon, other than having fun, but it’s very cool that they exist. Game Freak also did a great job at adding some back story to many of the NPC’s.

More to explore in Alola than ever before!

I absolutely loved my play through of Pokemon Ultra Moon. The addition of side quests and intractable pokemon have made the game feel like a living breathing universe. New characters, new areas, and new pokemon have made the game even more exciting than last years Pokemon Sun and Moon games. Team Rocket, or Team Rainbow Rocket, makes an appearance post game with an all new episodic adventure. There are new clothing options, new ways to interact with Rotom Dex, and many more surprises that await players. I highly recommend Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon to gamer’s of all ages.

Release Date: November 17th, 2017

Rated: E

Price: $39.99

HFR Rating: