Rise of the Tomb Raider


Summary & Thoughts:

Play as Lara Croft in this sequel to Tomb Raider. Explore beautiful locations, and dangerous tombs. Travel the world on a quest to find the divine source, and learn the secrets of eternal life! This second installment in the series is quite amazing. Building off the first game, Lara is know more experienced. Although she is still struggling with her childhood, and the death of her father, she has evolved into proficient explorer.

I loved the first Tomb Raider, and I found Rise of the Tomb Raider to be even better. With open world exploration, easy to use crafting, and moments of high octane action, this 3rd person adventure will keep you playing. I found myself wanting to skip side stuff, just to see the story. But whenever I did do side quests, I got lost in them. I didn’t want to stop whatever I was doing at any point. The whole game was great.

I feel like the climbing, jumping, and swinging has been improved since the first game. The graphics are the same, and the story is just as fascinating. There are definitely less jump scenes. Also when Lara dies, it is usually less gruesome. I found Rise of the Tomb Raider to be a more enjoyable, and relaxing game than the first. Not much has changed in the way of crafting, and exploring, but not much needed changing. The optional side quests, and tomb raiding is fantastic. I didn’t do all of it, but I did a good amount. Some of the tombs are quite challenging, and I even looked up a guide once or twice. I am not a hard core puzzle gamer, so maybe I just needed more practice. The tombs, side quests, and story all seemed to flow smoothly. The transition between stealth and combat was also seamless.

I really have nothing bad to say about this game. It is a bit violent at parts, so don’t let under age children play it. There is a good amount of cursing in game, so watch the volume level if you have young folks in the house. The scenery and locations was probably one of my favorite parts of the game. The game just looks great. It also plays great though. Like I said before, everything is smooth and polished. On a side note, you don’t need to play the original to understand what’s going on. I would recommend Rise of the Tomb Raider to any action RPG enthusiasts.

Release Date: November 10th, 2015

Rated: M

Price: $38.95 (Walmart.com)

Platforms: Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC, (coming to PS4 later this year)

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HFR Rating:



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