Summary & Thoughts:

A new twist to an old genre. Smite is a 1st person MOBA (massive online battle arena). In most MOBA’s the player watches from a top down view, but in Smite the player controls his champion from a 1st person view. This gives a unique spin on fighting. It does not allow the player to spy on other areas of the map, and it makes skill shots a tad harder. As a MOBA player myself, this game took a few matches to get the hang of.

Smite features the same old farm minions, clear jungle monsters, and kill enemy champions as any MOBA. Upon killing a bunch of minions, and pushing your wave of minions forward, you then start to take enemy base objectives. After that, the game ends with one team killing the other’s Titan. I found the Titan killing to be a cool change of pace from the normal MOBA style. In many MOBA’s, the player kills a building to end the game, but in this one it’s a boss fight. The Titan does tons of damage and is quite tanky.

As you kill things, you level up. You then upgrade your abilities, and buy items from the shop. These items improve your stats, making it easier for you to kill enemies. I had a bit of fun playing Smite, and since it’s free, would recommend MOBA players give it a try.

Release Date: March 25, 2014

Rated: T

Price: Free


HFR Rating:

cup 7


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