Star Trek Beyond (2016)


Summary & Thoughts:

This third installment is the series was a great continuation of the prior stories. It took our merry band of space adventures into the unknown. The emptiness of space has started taking a tole on Kirk and Spock. As they both take on what they believe to be their last mission together, they find themselves ambushed and stranded. The crew of the Enterprise must once again overcome overwhelming odds to survive.

I thought that the addition of Jaylah, played by Sofia Boutella, added a lot to the movie. Most film franchises need to add some new faces by the time they reach their 3rd installment. I genuinely like the entire cast of characters. All three films have been good quality and unique. I specifically liked how this one felt more like a TV show. It wasn’t about the end of the world. It wasn’t the most epic tale. It was just a story about an adventure through the unknown. There was excitement, danger, and mystery. It was altogether pretty good.

No doubts that Star Trek will live on, but I find myself wondering if they will continue with this cast. Only time will tell, but I hope so. I consider this film to be worth seeing in theater, renting, or even purchasing.


Starring: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, Zoe Saldana,

Rated: PG13

Runtime: 122min



HFR Rating:

cup 8