Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker


The final chapter in the Skywalker Saga

I honestly think that Disney is being a bit dramatic when they call this movie the “last Star Wars movie” in the Saga. At one point in time, Return of the Jedi was the last in the Saga, and then later Revenge of the Sith was toted as the last Star Wars movie.

We all know that there will be many more Star Wars movies, and I personally think that we might even see another Skywalker movie in the future. Whether it be a continuation of the story a decade from now, or even a remake of the series as a whole one day, there will always be a chance for more Star Wars movies revolving around the Skywalker family tree.

Enough of my rant though, as I am sure you are here to read my review of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker – Review

This latest installment brings our band of heroes together in a way that hasn’t been seen before. Rey, Poe, Finn, Chewie, C3PO and BB-8 all set off on an adventure together to uncover a map to the hidden home-world of the ancient Sith. Their quest is to find and stop the evil Emperor Palpatine once and for all.

However, they are not the only people seeking out this ancient world.  Kylo Ren visits this mysterious planet at the very beginning of the film, and he wants Rey to join with him when he returns to it. Kylo Ren still holds out hope that Rey will join him and that they will rule the galaxy together.

Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker takes us back to the remains of the destroyed second Death Star. Rey experiences a dark-side version/vision of herself when visiting Palpatine’s old throne room. Kylo Ren and Rey soon have a battle that leaves Kylo Ren injured. Rey heals Kylo Ren, and then Kylo Ren has a vision of his father Han Solo. This vision is the turning point for Kylo Ren as he returns to the lightside of the force and once again becomes Ben Solo.

An outstanding performance from Adam Driver

Ben Solo, played by Adam Driver, is currently the trendiest and hottest Star Wars topic on the internet. His acting performance throughout the 3 movie series was fantastic. His story-line was unique and his journey back to the lightside made the entire 3 movie series worth watching, just by itself. Ben Solo / Kylo Ren is my personal favorite character from the new films.

The rest of the cast and crew also gave stellar performances. Although I can say that these three films did not feature my favorite Star Wars story-arc as a whole, they did feature some of my favorite Star Wars moments. Altogether they make a solid set of movies, and they are well worth the watch.

I am not going to spoil the ending, but the final fight between Rey, Ben and the Emperor was extremely epic. I wish that the ending would have been slightly different, but it was a good ending.

Starring: Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Anthony Daniels & more

Run-time: 2 hours 22 minutes

Director: J.J. Abrams

HFR Rating: