Star Wars: Skeleton Crew (Review)

we review star wars skeleton crew from disney+ plus

Review of Star Wars Skelton Crew on Disney Plus

It’s no secret that Disney has been in hot water with many Star Wars fans these days. So much so, that I didn’t even realize this show was coming out until it was live and ready to watch.

To start out, I will say that I really enjoyed this latest Star Wars TV show. Skeleton Crew was very creative, unique, and fun. I don’t think that I ever would have expected something quite like it in the Star Wars Universe.

The show begins on a planet “At Attin” – a planet hidden away and set aside by the Republic for “great work”. I won’t get into any dirty details until later in this article, but the strangest part about this new planet is how much it resembles Earth. There are people attending regular jobs, kids going to school, and even modern-day suburbs.

The show doesn’t stay put for long though, so read on for some juicy spoilers!

main characters in star wars skeleton crew

Spoilers and Thoughts on Star Wars: Skeleton Crew

By the second episode in our crew of misfit children are off on an adventure in their newly discovered starship. Their main goal is to get back home, but along the way they meet up with a mysterious “force sensative” man named Jod.

Jod appears to be on their side, and saves them multiple times throughout the next few episodes. He learns that the children are from the planet “At Attin”. There is a lot to explain here, so let me catch you up quick. “At Attin” turns out to be a Republic Mint, where Republic Credits (the main currency) is created and stored in vaults.

Pirates have been searching for the mysterious “At Attin” planet for a long time, and one pirate claimed to have found it. When our ex-Jedi friend Jod discovers that the children are from this planet, he quickly decides to help them get back home.

They spend several episodes trying to relocate their hidden planet. Along they way we learn more about each character.

Favorite Characters in Star Wars: Skeleton Crew

I really liked most of the characters and actors in Skeleton Crew. One of my favorites early on was the blue elephant looking kid named “Neel”. He was very funny and added some comedic moments to the show.

I also really liked the ex-Jedi Jod. I thought he was an interesting character to unpack. For most of the show we didn’t know what his story was. By the end of the show, we had him figured out as a “pirate with a conscience”. He never wanted to hurt the children, but he did want to rob their planet.

A third character that seems to be a fan favorite is the pirate droid named SM-33. He was another creative droid added to the Star Wars Universe. Both effecient at combat and piloting, he played an essential role in the show.

is jod a jedi in star wars skeleton crew?

Overall, Star Wars: Skeleton Crew was a great show. I really enjoyed it, and will probably watch it again with/for my kids. I hope that we keep getting creative Star Wars shows that are crafted with love for the Star Wars Universe. It’s always better when quality and great story telling come first.