The Choice (2016)


Summary & Thoughts:

I will admit that I am not a Nicholas Sparks fan. With that said, this movie was just okay. It’s a fine movie to watch on a romantic date night. Boy meets girl, girl resists his charm, and then boy wins girl over. This movie takes the story a bit farther than most romantic films, because they get married about half way through. The second half of the film is slightly sad, and a little suspenseful. I won’t spoil anything else, but I will say that it has a happy ending.

One issue with the movie was the casting choices. The two primary characters just didn’t look right for each other. I couldn’t believe that Teresa Palmer was an innocent southern girl, because she looked like a teenage cheerleader. On the other hand,Benjamin Walker was a fine choice for the male protagonist, and his acting was great. I really didn’t think there was any bad acting, just bad casting choices.

There are some steamy adult scenes, like most Nicholas Sparks films, but other than that it’s a pretty clean film. I wouldn’t recommend this movie to anyone. It was neither good or bad, just okay. I can maybe put this film in the “see it once” category, as long as you have nothing better to watch. Just make sure to rent it before buying.

Starring: Benjamin Walker, Teresa Palmer

Rated: PG13

Runtime: 100min

the choice


HFR Rating:

cup 6


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