The Deer God


Summary and Thoughts:

“Oh dear,” I mumbled, as I booted up my Xbox. This wildlife themed platformer looks a bit out there. The Deer God starts you out with a cut scene of two hunters sitting around a campfire. As one hunter leaves the fire, he spots a deer and tries to shoot it. He is instead killed by wolves. Then he is summoned before the deer god. For what appears to be punishment, the hunter is then reincarnated as a fawn.

Yes, this is an actual game. So you now get to play as this fawn. You begin by jumping around, collecting food, killing porcupines, and going from platform to platform. I’m going to ignore the irony of you killing animals, as punishment for you killing animals. As you play and survive, you can gain super powers. You can double jump, use piercing antlers, and do other cool things. As you run right on the screen, you come upon alters to the deer god, which happen to have puzzles. When you solve a puzzle you gain new abilities. Then you move onward with your adventure, doing more of whatever deer do.

Release Date: February 27th, 2015

Rated: T

Price: $14.99

dg1 dg3 dg2


HFR Rating:

cup 6


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