The Hunter: Call of the Wild

hunter call of the wild review

An amazing SIM Hunting Experience

The Hunter: Call of the Wild is the best hunting game I’ve ever played. It combines stunning graphics with realistic tactics to deliver the perfect hunting experience. Whether you want a quiet relaxing hunting simulator, or a fun game to play with friends, this game has you covered.

Experiencing the Hunt

From the grass, to the ruffling of bushes, to the sunsets, this game is fantastic! I found it relaxing to play alone, and fun to play with friends. There are a huge variety of animals to track down and shoot. Players can use bows, shotguns, rifles, pistols and more. You can even ride an ATV or get a dog to help you hunt.

Tracking down animals consists of hearing sounds, following tracks and spotting animal droppings. Depending on the animal and your luck, your hunt could take anywhere from minutes to potentially hours. Afterward you can continue exploring and hunting till your hearts content.

A Social Hunting Game

I mentioned being able to play The Hunter: Call of the Wild with friends. You can literally join up anytime you like. Not only can you hunt together, but you can share rewards, show off your recent kills, and even invite them into your hunting lodge.

Did I forget to mention that you can have multiple hunting lodges? Players can decorate these lodges, and show off their recent kills.

The Hunter: Call of the Wild is a very fun hunting simulator. I highly recommend giving it a try, especially if you are a fan of hunting!

Platforms: PC, Xbox One and PS4

Rated: 16+

Release Date: February 16, 2017

HFR Rating: 9 out of 10