The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


A breathtaking world.

Breath of the Wild is one of those games you can play for 300 hours, and then still find something new to do. The world is huge and filled with exciting things to see, places to go, and enemies to battle. The graphics are stunning, and not just for a Zelda game, they are genuinely amazing. The entire world is filled with objects to climb, loot to find, and dungeons to explore. The game reminds me a lot of Skyrim, except that there are fewer NPC’s.

Don’t get me wrong, there are lots of NPC’s to interact with and battle, but not nearly as many as in other RPG’s. This Zelda game seems more focused on exploring they great wide open. There are massive grassy plains, towering mountains, and dark caves around every corner.

A truly rewarding experience.

The developers did a fantastic job of making this game rewarding for the players. Every hard to reach place has loot, every enemy a reason, and every dungeon a unique strategy.  The game rewards you for everything you do. You can craft potions and cook food. You can explore hard to reach areas. You can try to beat every dungeon, or just pursue the main story. Everything seems to be designed with a purpose.

Not only is the game rewarding, but it also respects the players intelligence. It never holds your hand. It expects you to think, to try crazy things, and to figure stuff out. Breath of the Wild continues to amaze me. I’ve never been so frustrated at a puzzle, only to turn around and be so excited that I beat it. This game will keep me entertained for a long time.

This Zelda game is worth every rupee!

I have purchased many games in the Zelda franchise, but I’ve never beaten one. I have nothing against the franchise. I actually think that they are all great games. I just play so many other things that I’ve never gotten deep into a Zelda game, at least not until recently. This game is well worth the $60 price tag. I would go as far to say that it’s worth more than double it’s price tag. It’s stuffed with so much content that I will personally never beat it all.

If you are a Zelda fan boy then you have no doubt already beaten this game, but if you are like me and do not play all of Links adventures, then be sure not to miss this one. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a must buy, 10 out of 10, play it again game.

Release Date: March 3, 2017

Rated: T

Platform: WiiU & Nintendo Switch

Price: $59.99


HFR Rating: