The Reasons I Love You


I know it was said

On the day that we wed,

That I’d love you forever

And to part we would never.


These things are now more true,

Than the sky above is blue.

I could search both far and wide, and still I’d never find

A girl that is more kind, and beautiful than you.


You light up my whole day,

In more ways than I can say.

You are the person I love most

And of your beauty I could boast.


But these are just the start,

What I love most, is your heart.

I’m amazed that I could woo,

A heart so beautiful and true.


It’s no wonder my love grows.

The passion in your eyes,

And the way it never dies.


I also love your mind,

and the ideas that you find.

I love the light inside your soul,

And the way you make me whole.


If forever our lives entwine,

It will never be enough.

To show how much I love you,

I’ll need more time, than what is mine.