The Space Between Us (2017) – Movie Review


A Sci-fi Romance that will tug at your heartstrings.

I did not see The Space Between Us when it first arrived in theaters back in 2017, but I wish that I had. It would have made a great date night out. I happened to catch it on Amazon Prime just the other day and I really enjoyed it.

The Space Between Us was very well written.

The story follows three main characters: Nathaniel Shepard, Gardner Elliot and Tulsa. Nathaniel is a leader in the field of space exploration and has spearheaded the first settlement on Mars.

What Nathaniel doesn’t know, is that one of his astronauts is pregnant. She gives birth to a boy named Nathaniel in outer space. As the boy grows up on Mars, he becomes virtual friends with a girl back on Earth named Tulsa.

Gardner wants to see Earth for himself and visit Tulsa, but he is told that it is too risky because his heart and bones will not be attuned to Earth’s gravity. There are several moral questions in The Space Between Us that make the film emotional compelling. One such moral predicament is whether or not they should risk Gardner’s life to let him visit Earth.

Eventually Gardner gets the chance to have a bone reinforcement operation and undergo physical therapy, so that he can visit Earth. This is where the rest of the movie unfolds and we get to witness a teen romance between Tulsa and Gardner.

A great performance on multiple fronts.

I was engaged throughout the movie by many of the acting performances. I think that there was good chemistry, not just between the love interests, but between the Father-Son archetypes and even the secondary characters.

Gary Oldman played Nathaniel. and was by far my favorite performance. I liked his character, his personality and the moral dilemmas that he faced. I also enjoyed the primary plot twist which revolved around his character. I thought that he did a great job in this film and would like to see more from him.

I recommend catching this film on Amazon, or picking it up at your local movie store. The Space Between Us is a fantastic sci-fi romance.

Runtime: 2 hrs

Rated: PG-13

Director: Perter CHeisom

Writers: Allan Loeb, Stewart Schill

Starring: Gary Oldman, Asa Butterfield, Carla Gugino

HFR Rating: