Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege (Review)


A new kind of tactical shooter.

Rainbow Six Siege has been out for just over two years. It has seen dozens of major updates and content expansions. It currently has a great selection of maps, operators (playable characters), and weapons to choose from. I can’t speak for the past two years, as I just recently picked this game up on sale, but it’s currently in a pretty good state.

Rainbow Six Siege plays a lot like previous Rainbow Six games, but replaces some of the cover mechanics with breaching ones. Instead of putting your back against walls to peak around corners, you can now blow holes in walls, floors, and ceilings. Other than that the game brings back a lot of Rainbow Six nostalgia.

A solid multiplayer experience.

Rainbow Six does not have a single player campaign. Players can choose to play Terrorist Hunt with a group or as a lone wolf. Aside from Terrorist Hunt there is general multiplayer. The game is designed and balanced for this more general multiplayer. Matches consist of 2 teams of 5 players. Everyone gets 1 life and the last team standing wins. Each game type also has a different objective. Players can win by eliminating the enemy team, or by completing the objective. Objectives vary from rescuing hostages to defusing bombs and the like.

At the start of every match players choose from a list of available “operators”. These operators all have different weapons and skills available to them. Some operators can heal players, some can blow through reinforced walls, and others can use special attacks. Operators also have varying movement speed and armor. So far I’ve played about a dozen operators and they all feel well made. (Side Note: Operators are unlocked by in game currency, which is earned by playing matches.)

Rainbow 6 Siege is still kickin.

Surprisingly Rainbow Six Siege still has a solid player base. Match que times are usually less than a minute and you will rarely see the same enemy players back to back. I had high expectations for Rainbow Six Siege, and I feel that it delivered on them. I am having a good time with it, despite the team killing trolls. I’d recommend playing Rainbow Six Siege to anyone looking for a unique shooter experience, but would also recommend playing with friends. If you’re playing with friends, you at least know who’s trolling you.

Release Date: December 1st, 2015

Rated: M

HFR Rating: