UUTC: Pokemon OU Tournament (2019)


PUCL Podcast’s Annual OU Pokemon Tournament!

The PUCL Pokemon Podcast hosts a variety of online Pokemon tournaments each year. This past January marked the start of their annual OU Pokemon tournament called the UUTC (Ultimate Underground Tournament of Champions).

There were 5 rounds / weeks of battles before top cut was announced. Battles were conducted in a Smogon OU fashion with each player using 6 Pokemon. Despite only using 6 Pokemon per battle, players were allowed to bring a total of 10 Pokemon for the tournament. Move-sets and Stats were locked and unable to be changed throughout the tournament. This caused some players to hold off on using some Pokemon until top cut, just to hide their move-sets and have the element of surprise.

The winner of this years UUTC was FackLuigi. The other Semi-Finalists were Clod9, Geo, and RottedMushroom. I almost made top 8 cut, but fell short by a mere 1 win. Every match I played was fun and I am looking forward to next years UUTC.

It is worth noting that all of PUCL’s tournaments are FREE TO PLAY. So if you are looking for a good Pokemon community to plug into, then I suggest checking them out @ www.PUCLPodcast.com.

My participation in the UUTC.

I have been playing in PUCL’s Pokemon Tournaments for years. I try to sign up for them all and I always have a good time. From crazy rule-sets to more standard tournaments, they host a variety of fun events. The convenience of playing from home cannot be overlooked, and their tournaments often have some pretty good prizes. They even gave away a limited edition 2DS one year with a copy of Pokemon Ultra Sun.

I went 3/2 in the Tournament, meaning 3 wins and 2 losses. My team consisted of Golem, Arcanine, Mega-Beedrill, Starmie, Scizor, Drifblim, Serperior, Mega-Gyarados, Heatran and Chandelure. I quickly found myself wishing that I had chosen regular Gyarados, because Mega-Beedrill became the star of my team, and my team had a general ground weakness. It would have been very helpful to have regular Gyarados, and I feel that I would have most likely top cut had this been so.

Check out my week 3 battle against Kineada:

Check out my week 5 battle against Tup:

To view more battles from the UUTC visit the PUCL YouTube Channel.

Getting into Competitive Pokemon.

Are you looking to get into competitive Pokemon? Are you looking to join some online tournaments? I recommend taking a look at my Beginners Guide to Competitive Pokemon. It’s a bit dated, but it still has a bunch of helpful information that will go a long way toward helping you understand the fundamentals of breeding, stats, abilities and moves.

I highly recommend registering and playing in some online tournaments. They are usually free to play and take very little effort to join in on. The breeding and training of your Pokemon might take some time, but getting plugged into an online Pokemon community will make the process a lot faster. There are so many friendly people out there that can help you get a jump start and point you in the right direction.

As of early 2019, most online competitions are still using the 3DS and a copy of Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon. This will change with the release of Pokemon Sword and Shield on the Nintendo Switch later this Fall.