Wonder Woman (Movie Review)


Wonder Woman is the best female super hero film to date.

Diana of Themyscira is played by Gal Gadot and comes across as a kick ass & fearless warrior. Different from previous super women, like Cat Woman and Black Widow, Diana is pure of heart. She fights for what is good and protects others at any cost.

Coming in at over 2 hours this film covers a lot of ground. The telling of Wonder Woman’s origin was well done. She even gets a montra to show off her insane fighting skills. Getting a peek at Amazonian Women’s way of life added a lot of depth to this otherwise mysterious character seen in Batman vs Superman. Giving Wonder Woman her own movie was a brilliant idea, as there are not nearly enough super women films around.

The film was moderately clean. There was no nudity, but there were quite a few crude jokes. The majority of Wonder Woman is set during the time period of the first World War. This makes the film a little darker than other recent super hero movies. It’s important to distinguish the difference between Marvel and DC films. DC films are a bit more grim and serious.. but they also tend to be more bad ass.

I liked Wonder Woman. I thought the film was well worth the watch. It had a solid story, memorable characters, and lots of action. I recommend catching this “wonderful” film in theaters, and maybe even in IMAX.

Starring: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright

Rated: PG13

Runtime: 141min

Check out these sweet Wonder Woman License Plates

HFR Rating: