Avengers: Endgame


The Avengers are back for Part 2.

Avengers: Endgame is a direct continuation of Avengers: Infinity War. Half of the universe’s population has been wiped out, including many of the Avenger’s teammates. Thanos has retreated to a far away world, and everyone else has been left to piece together whatever semblance of a life they have left. Avengers Endgame has a gloomy start, but quickly becomes more upbeat.

It’s no spoiler to say that the remaining Avengers find a way to reverse what Thanos has done to the Universe. It would be a spoiler to tell you how they do it though. With that said, this movie is a fantastic finale to the 10 years of Marvel movies that Disney has produced. I enjoyed every minute of Avengers Endgame and I’m super excited to review it.

Avengers Endgame was satisfying to watch. It had some long awaited moments.

Similarly to Avengers: Infinity War, this movie has the remaining members of the team split up to go on separate missions. The start and end of Endgame has the team fighting alongside each other, but the middle portion jumps between characters. What’s crazy is that each group has their own very interesting story arc. There were no dull points in Endgame. I literally enjoyed every moment of it.

Avengers Endgame felt like fan service. We finally got to see some long awaited moments, like this spoiler:

Watching Captain America hold Thor’s Hammer was one of the best moments in Avengers Endgame, and I’m not even going to tell you what he does with it.

Speaking of Thor though, he provided more laughs than usual in Endgame and really showed an unexpected evolution of his character. Black Widow and Hawkeye had some awesome story arcs which intertwined with each other. Disney is definitely getting us ready for a Black Widow movie and a Hawkeye TV Series. Stay tuned for reviews on both of those.

The more you’ve watched, the more you’ll get.

Avengers Endgame contained so many hidden Easter Eggs and throwbacks to older Marvel films. The more Marvel films that you’ve seen, the more you’ll understand in this movie. I would not recommend Endgame as a starting point in this series. It would be like watching the final Harry Potter movie first, or the last Star Wars film, or anything like that.

All of the Marvel films have come together to bring us Endgame. Avengers Endgame feels like a final episode or chapter in the series and ties up a lot of loose ends.

Don’t miss this Marvel Movie in theaters. It is well worth the watch and probably best experienced on the big screen. Also, consider re-watching a couple of the films leading up to this one like Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War.

Rated: PG-13

Runtime: 3hr 1min

Release Date: April 26th, 2019

HFR Rating: