Central Intelligence (Movie Review)


A little Hart & A big Johnson

Central Intelligence is a funny action adventure film starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. It’s filled from bottom to top with crude humor and over the top action sequences.

It’s been 20 years since high school and Calvin’s life isn’t quite what he pictured. Finding himself at a dead end accounting job, he begins to wonder what he’s doing with his life. He soon finds himself reconnecting with an old high school friend, and is suddenly thrown into the middle of a spy hunt.

This movie was less entertaining than I expected. It had a little more crude humor than I usually watch. The story was rather straight forward and predictable. The action scenes were over the top, and the stunts were unrealistic. Despite all of that though, I managed to still enjoy the film. I usually like most of Dwayne Johnson’s movies, and he was the single saving grace for this one.

I wouldn’t recommend Central Intelligence to anyone, but I also wouldn’t warn against watching it. It was an okay movie. It had some funny moments, and it kept a good pace.  Watch at your own risk!

Starring:  Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Danielle Nicolet

Rated: PG13

Runtime: 107min



HFR Rating:

cup 7