Eve Online – Free to Play November 15th


Despite being a bit dated, Eve Online continues to be one of the best scifi MMO’s out there. Being an old game isn’t always bad. Eve Online is a very well established game and community. The UI is impressive, the graphics are maintained, and the game play is very smooth. I have been one of those casual players that checks in from time to time, and every time I do, I get sucked back in.

The game is a bit of a time sink. You have to train skills in real time, and this can take literal days and weeks. While training though, you can still do beginner combat and mining and such. The developers have continued to work on making the game easier to start. Since my original play through, new mechanics have been added to really speed up the training process.

The big news, and reason for this article, is that Eve Online is going free to play! They have always had a 2 week free trial, but now they have a fully free option. Players can create accounts and jump right into one of the greatest scifi games ever made. Starting November 15th you can try this space MMO with no risk!

If you want to read my full review of this game, you can find it here -> Eve Online Review

Remember to fly safe pilots! o7
