Free Guy (2021)

free guy review action comedy movie

The movie Free Guy was hilarious!

Free Guy – Plot Summary

Free Guy is the sort of movie that I could watch over and over again. Ryan Reynolds plays a bank teller named Guy, who quickly finds out that he is a background character in a video game.

Guy becomes fascinated with a character named Molotov Girl, who is actually named Millie in real life. Millie, along with her friend Keys, built the code for the game Free City, which is where Guy lives. Millie and Keys interact with Guy, and realize that he is the first living artificial intelligence ever created. They then all work together to save the game from a greedy CEO game designer named Antwan, played by Taika Waititi.

Free Guy – Movie Review

I had a feeling that the movie Free Guy was going to be amazing. Everyone I’d spoken to had liked it, and the trailer looked good. I wish that I had not seen the trailer though, because Free Guy is the kind of movie that is better the less that you know about it.

Ryan Reynolds of course did an amazing job with his character Guy. He brought his usual charm and humor that fans have come to expect. My second favorite character was Millie played by Jodie Comer, and she was awesome throughout the movie. It’s safe to say that the acting was great all around.


Action Scenes and Easter Eggs

Free Guy had a lot of cool action scenes. Since the movie took place in a video game world where players could do whatever they want, there was tons of over-the-top violence. There were direct references to major franchises such as Star Wars and Marvel. Several big name actors made cameos throughout the film, and there were even more Easter Eggs hidden throughout for hard-core nerd fans.

I definitely recommend giving Free Guy a watch! I will likely revisit it from time to time.

Starring: Ryan Reynolds (Guy), Jodie Comer (Molotov Girl), Joe Keery (Keys)

Runtime: 1 hour 55 minutes

Rated: PG-13

HFR Rating: 8 out of 10