League of Legends: Keeping Games Half Full


League of Legends is known for having a toxic community. Most games have either raging, toxicity, or afk players. I have noticed some changes to player attitudes lately, but there is still a lot of room for improvement.

So why should you care about toxicity?

Friendly players that are willing to work together win more games. They also have a better time doing it. Statistics to support these claims are officially released by Riot.

So what can you do to make a positive difference?

Be the change you want to see. Be kind to other players! There are many ways to do this. When you first load into a champion select, type something nice. Say “Hello everyone” or “How is everyone’s day going?”. Secondly, if you see someone getting upset, because they didn’t get the champ or the position they wanted, try to calm them down. Say something like, “Hey man, it’s okay. Play something you’re good at, and well make it work.”

There are opportunities in every game to be a positive influence. If a team member gets first blood, tell them good job. If they end up on the wrong side of first blood, then tell them that they can make a comeback. Whenever a teammate makes a good play, congratulate them. Tell the jungler that he did a good job smiting the dragon.

If people on your team are bickering, tell them to calm down. Tell them that they are on the same team. Tell them that if you all work together, you can win!

Closing Remarks & Tips

You can be the difference that makes League of Legends a better place. Keep the community cup Half Full. Honor your teammates, and enemies. If you have a good match, friend the people that you played well with. Together you can have fun, and achieve goals! #Teamwork

Whatever you do, be sure to treat others with respect and kindness.

“We can do this!” – Lux




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