Monster Hunter (2020) Review


Monster Hunter on the Big Screen

Monster Hunter, the movie, is based off the Capcom video game franchise. An American soldier named Lt. Artemis encounters a mysterious sandstorm while on patrol with her squad, and is transported to a new world. This new world happens to be filled with giant monsters that make quick work of her team. As the lone survivor, she struggles to survive while attempting to find a way home.

From Video Game to Movie

The first Monster Hunter video game was released in North America on September 21st, 2004. Capcom has since continued releasing new versions of the game ever since, with the latest version Monster Hunter Rise being released on Nintendo Switch.

One never knows what to expect when a video game becomes a movie. Usually folks hope for the best, knowing that video games tend to have a hard time translating to the big screen. There is a lot of backstory and head-cannon to video games, that makes them hard to explain in under two hours. Many video game franchises have been ongoing for decades, and so squeezing them into regular length feature film tends leave out a lot. Some of the better video game films have been Pokemon: Detective Pikachu, Tomb Raider and Sonic the Hedgehog.

Monster Hunter (the movie) was a decent watch. It has some cool jump scenes and action sequences. I consider Monster Hunter to be well made all around. I could watch it again from time to time, but it’s not a must see, unless you happen to be a fan of the video game series. Despite the movie having almost nothing to do with the video game series, I found it to be an interesting watch.


Director: Paul Anderson

Stars: Milla Jovovich, Tony Jaa, Ron Perlman

Release Date: December 18th, 2020

Runtime: 1 hour 43 minutes

Rated: PG-13

HFR Rating: 6 out of 10