September & October Video Game Releases (2016)


September and October begin the Fall explosion of video games. Although they are filled with numerous expansions, DLC, and remasters, they also bring a bunch of new titles to the table. Battlefront, Destiny, and The Division are all receiving expansions in September. Skyrim is getting a remastered re-release in October, and then Playstation VR will be dumping a bunch of new mini games on the market. Perhaps some of the most exciting news though, is that Titanfall 2 is comeing out on October 28th. There will be no shortage of old and new games to play this fall, I just hope I can keep up with them.

Final Fantasy XV

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This exciting game is set in an open world. Players get to return to one of the most beloved franchises, and experience a more modern take on this fantasy RPG.

Release Date: September 30th, 2016

Rated: M

Price: $59.99

Yo-Kai Watch 2

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This cartoon RPG  will be released on the 3DS this September. Players venture around an open world collecting and battling Yo-Kai. It doesn’t appeal to me, but if you enjoyed the first one back in 2010, then give this one a go.

Release Date: September 30th, 2016

Rated: E

Price: $59.99

Gears of War 4

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This famous franchise continues with its latest installment. Run, gun, and fun your way through a brand new co-op adventure. Grab a friend and find a couch, because this game promises to provide hours of fun. I do not recommend this game for younger gamers, as it is extremely violent and crude.

Release Date: October 11th, 2016

Rated: M

Price: $59.99

Battlefield 1

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It was incredibly hard to find any good screenshots of this game, but you can catch some awesome game play footage on the Youtube. The Battlefield franchise is returning to a simpler time, where people still killed each other with various types of weapons and vehicles. Joking aside, Battlefield games are ALWAYS amazing. They are the epitome of online shooters, and if you have never tried one, you should.

Release Date: October 21st, 2016

Rated: M

Price: $59.99

Titanfall 2

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YAY! Titanfall 2 is almost here! Battle other players in this epic online shooter. Fight on the ground, in the air, and off the walls. Also watch out for giant falling robots. This game is a perfect mix of Mech Warrior and Call of Duty. I have been long awaiting a sequel for this franchise, and cannot wait to get my hands on it.

Release Date: October 28th, 2016

Rated: M

Price: $59.99