Titanfall 2: Alpha Test Impressions


Summary & Thoughts:

This is hands down one of the best shooters I have ever played. I was one of those folks who really enjoyed the first Titanfall. I played every mode, and tried every Titan. I took right to the high flying super mobile aspects of the game. Just the idea of driving around giant robots in a FPS setting made the it an immediate purchase. So it may go without saying that I was very stoked to play some Titanfall 2.

The return to Titanfall…

As soon as I booted it up and got in, I felt right at home. Everything that the first game did, this one does better. The double jumping, wall running, grappling hook action makes every moment feel awesome. I was constantly telling my Xbox to “save that clip”. The addition of grappling hooks is totally sweet. They allow for extreme mobility, and add a new layer of combative strategy. Even more sweet though, is how they felt balanced. They were fast enough to feel cool, while remaining slow enough to not be over powered. The same can be said for the Titans. Each Titan has unique and customizable load outs. Unlocking a Titan is also simple enough, that I never went a match without one.

You can pilot your Titan, or jump out and have it follow you. You can jump on friendly Titans for protection, or mount enemy ones to steel battery power. The addition of battery power adds a new layer of Titan strategy. Pilots must watch their power levels, and even occasionally dismount to pick up new batteries. This of course is dependent on a pilots skill to even keep his Titan alive long enough. I really liked the powered up weapon reward received from successfully mounting an enemy Titan.

It just feels right…

Everything about this game feels great. The familiarity of the controls are spot on. The graphics are up to standard, and the combat sounds are totally Scifi. I did notice a few bugs here and there. There was one match where I saw a 4 legged spider bot stuck on a roof. It was continually running, but never moving. Honestly though, I just chuckled and moved along. If you hold still for too long, you get to look at a pretty death recap screen.

One of my favorite things about Titanfall 2 are the grunts. I love the idea of having NPC(non player character) enemies and allies in every match. It really allows for everyone to feel like a hero. Whether you do a sprint n slide gun down, or a grenade lob to take out a group, the ability to quickly take down easier computer controlled opponents makes the game feel epic. This was also one of my favorite things about the first Titanfall.

Definitely a pre-order… 

This game allows for new and veteran players alike to make amazing plays. It allows for all gamers to pull off sweet stunts, and feel totally bad ass. I will definitely be pre-ordering my copy, and I recommend all gamers do the same(pending you are old enough to buy it).

Release Date: October 28th, 2016

Rated: M

Price: $59.99

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