X-Men Apocalypse (2016)


Summary & Thoughts:

In this latest installment the X-Men are at it again. Out to stop an evil Egyptian warlord from destroying the world, they must learn to release the mutated powers within them.

I enjoyed the setting and story themes for this movie. It was still a world ending event, but at least it had some new twists. Professor Xavier loses his hair in this film. Magneto struggles with his morality, and Mystique continues to change sides. There wasn’t much character development for the super villain this time around, but it didn’t bother me. There are so many characters to follow that the bad guys serve more of a punching bag purpose.

Overall this movie was pretty solid. I don’t have any complaints. I enjoyed it, and specifically liked the ending with Jean Gray. I won’t spoil anything more, but I do recommend watching this movie. It’s right on par with the other X-Men films.

Starring:  James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence

Rated: PG13

Runtime: 144min



HFR Rating:

cup 8